Ideas funding

This funding supports research that is excellent, innovative and impactful. These research ideas are initiated by lead investigators and align with the broader ‘health research attributes’ outlined in the New Zealand Health Research Prioritisation Framework.

Current funding opportunities

2025 Projects
We offer funding of up to $1,200,000 for research projects that have the potential to vastly improve the health of New Zealanders. Projects can cover a diverse range of areas, from biomedical and public health to clinical studies, Māori-focused research, and Pacific health research. Most projects have a term of three years, but we can negotiate terms of up to five years.

2024 Health Delivery Research Activation Grant 2Applications open
The Health Delivery Research Activation Grants provides support to enable established or prospective researchers and/or research providers to establish health delivery research evidence needs or research opportunities before applying for further health delivery funding. Up to $30,000 is available over a maximum term of 12 months.

2024 Health Delivery Research Career Development Award 2Applications open
The Health Delivery Research Career Development Award is a career development opportunity with a funded placement in a health delivery research team or health sector setting. It is designed as an alternative pathway into health delivery research aimed at attracting more people with relevant skills into this discipline. The award is available to fund salary and salary associated costs of the applicant over a maximum term of 12 months.

2024 Health Delivery Research Project Grant
The Health Delivery Research Project Grant provides support for health delivery research of varying values and durations. The research must be connected to health delivery at a practice, policy or system-level. At a minimum, this requires having Named Investigators based in healthcare delivery settings with involvement to shape the research need, undertake the research, and identify translational potential. The HRC expects to fund a range of grant values and durations up to a maximum term of 5 years and a maximum value of $1.4 million.

Recent funding opportunities

2024 Explorer Grants
Researchers from any health discipline are invited to apply for one of the HRC’s Explorer Grants. Proposals must describe the transformative, innovative or exploratory aspects of the proposal and how it challenges conventional understanding in the field. Explorer Grants are worth $150,000 (research working expenses only) for a term of up to 24 months.

2024 Emerging Researcher First Grants
These grants support emerging researchers who are seeking to establish independent careers in health research. Up to a maximum of $400,000 for three years is available.

2024 Programmes
Programmes provide support for the long-term development of a health research field by a group of established investigators with an outstanding track record of achievement. They should have a strategic, long-term vision that will contribute to significantly improving health outcomes for New Zealanders. Up to $5 million is available over five years.

2024 Health Delivery Research Activation Grant 1
The Health Delivery Research Activation Grant provides support to enable established or prospective researchers and/or research providers to establish health delivery research evidence needs or research opportunities before applying for further health delivery funding. Up to $30,000 is available over a maximum term of 12 months.

2024 Health Delivery Research Career Development Award 1
The Health Delivery Research Career Development Award is a career development opportunity with a funded placement in a health delivery research team or health sector setting. It is designed as an alternative pathway into health delivery research aimed at attracting more people with relevant skills into this discipline. The award is available to fund salary and salary associated costs of the applicant over a maximum term of 12 months.